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'Honour' and violence against women – what's in a name?

Dr Moira Dustin is a Research Fellow in the School of Law, Politics and Sociology at the University of Sussex. She is currently working on the European Research Council project SOGICA - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum, assessing how fairly asylum claims based on sexual orientation and gender identity are treated across Europe.

"It's helped me build a good rapport with my clients": reflections on Responding to Young People training

Domestic abuse can affect people of any age and background, and supporting young people experiencing domestic abuse brings a unique set of challenges. That’s why at SafeLives we run a training course specifically designed for professionals working with young people.

Katie's Story

The following story is one of several accounts shared with us by a group of young people; all have experienced domestic abuse and have been supported by the Ypvas working at the Young People Violence Advisor (Ypva) Service in South Tyneside. They have shared their individual stories to raise awareness of domestic abuse in the hope that victims and services will be inspired to make change.

"I've gained the experience and ability to support my clients better": reflections on SafeLives Idva training

Independent domestic violence advisors (Idvas) are an advocate for victims of domestic abuse. They act as a single point of contact, supporting their clients to be safe from abuse and helping them to rebuild their lives. Over the last ten years at SafeLives we’ve trained over 2,100 Idvas, helping them to gain professional recognition for the vital work they do. SafeLives Communications Officer Ruth Davies caught up with Sharon Griffiths, who has just completed her Foundation Idva course.
