Support for adult victims experiencing medium risk abuse

No one should have to reach crisis point before they get help. Early support and intervention can help someone experiencing domestic abuse recognise the signs before it escalates.

Equally, women who have been at high risk of serious harm or murder as a result of domestic abuse need support to keep themselves and their children safe and well, and avoid repeat cycles of abuse.

Through the support of a trained professional who provides flexible, dedicated and personalised support to people experiencing domestic abuse, and works collaboratively with the right agencies to achieve positive outcomes around safety and well-being before escalation, more people can get help to become safe, and stay safe, before their lives are at serious risk.


Connect Insights Medium Risk

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"Of course, it has made a massive difference, massive support from Idva, I needed it in that time. Helped me to find the solution, and I had someone to fight for me. I trusted the Idva and this really helped. I felt that every time I went out of the Idva’s office, felt relieved that someone had told me that what I was feeling was normal. I want the Idva to know that the support meant so much to me and the service is very much needed.”
Survivor, Medium Risk intervention

For more information on our work in this area, see our Medium Risk Insights briefing paper.