We are SafeLives, the UK-wide charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse, for everyone and for good.
We work with organisations across the UK to transform the response to domestic abuse.
We want what you would want for your best friend. We listen to survivors, putting their voices at the heart of our thinking.
We look at the whole picture for every individual in the family, to get them the right help at the right time, so families everywhere can be safe and well.
And we challenge perpetrators to change, asking ‘why doesn’t he stop?’ rather than ‘why doesn’t she leave?’ This applies whatever the gender of the victim or perpetrator and whatever the nature of their relationship.
Last year alone, we trained more than 11,500 professionals and first responders, and we reached almost 90,000 adult and 100,000 child survivors through programmes designed and delivered with partners.
And in the last six years, more than 5,000 perpetrators have been challenged and supported to change through interventions developed by our flagship Drive Partnership, and the programme continues to expand year on year.
Together we can end domestic abuse. For everyone. For good.