Posts tagged "marac"

A week in the life of an Idva service

Up and down the country, Idva services work tirelessly to make sure victims of domestic abuse can be safe. The work they do is complex and varied – so we asked one of our Leading Lights services to give us a flavour of what goes on. Here, Zoe Jackson from Aurora New Dawn in Hampshire talks us through a week in the life of her service.

Near miss reviews: finding out what we can do better

Lots of us are (sadly) familiar with domestic homicide reviews (DHRs). Completed in the aftermath of a domestic abuse death, DHRs look for lessons to help prevent a similar incident in future.

But why wait? SafeLives has spoken to a local authority which ran a “near miss review”, after a victim of domestic abuse attempted to end her life, resulting in serious injuries.

We’ve kept the area anonymous. But the findings and recommendations have lessons for us all, as we try to implement better ways of working to help victims become safe.


Celebrating and sharing success

This content originally appeared in our newsletter between November and December 2014 and reflected our views at the time. Caada is the previous name of SafeLives.

With 2014 now coming to a close, we spoke to a few professionals and the people they've made safe to hear what made them proud.

Helping victims in a hospital setting

Amber Canham, Independent Domestic and Sexual Violence Advisor, North Devon Against Domestic Abuse

Multi-agency engagement at MARAC: a good practice case study


Gaining referrals across a range of agencies is a key indicator of a healthy Marac, but keeping so many partners in the loop can be hard. One Marac currently recording cases from all 13 referring agencies is Swansea in South Wales. For Amanda Stone (Marac Co-ordinator) and Bryan Heard (Chair), working as effectively as possible with a range of key partners is central to continued identification of, and support for, victims of domestic abuse and their families.

A single point of contact

Kate's picture

By Kate