Training room

For frontline domestic abuse practitioners

“I wouldn’t be here today if it hadn’t been for the support the Idva service offered me.”

At SafeLives we understand the importance of Idvas and other frontline professionals in helping to make victims of domestic abuse and their families safe. We have trained over 3000 of you and we want to keep training you, helping you to do the best job you can.


How to get the most out of SafeLives training.

We - and our valued supporters - have been working hard to establish funding relationships that can help you take up the training you need.

Feel proud and confident in your role as a highly qualified professional

Our Idva training courses are for Idvas, domestic abuse practitioners and service managers who currently carry an active caseload or are about to start doing so. 

It’s not easy to ask about sexual violence, but this course will show you how – and then what to do to make the victim safer.

Improve the support you offer clients: trauma-informed working, strengths based work and building resilience.

Improve the response in your local area to young people who are experiencing domestic abuse

Build your skills, knowledge and confidence. Improve your professional response and make victims of Domestic abuse with a visual impairment or who are registered blind safer.

Find answer to questions such as 'What is the time commitment?' and 'How is the course assessed?'