Responding to counter allegations at Marac

Best practice guidance for professionals in Scotland.

A counter allegation is when conflicting information is shared about who the victim of domestic abuse is and who the perpetrator is.

Professionals in Scotland have highlighted a lack of knowledge, experience and confidence in dealing with counter allegations and the identification of the victim and perpetrator.

If the wrong party is supported by Marac this could have a serious detrimental impact for the victim, perpetrator, involved children and the Marac process itself.

Therefore we brought Marac professionals in Scotland together to explore the issues surrounding counter allegations and possible solutions through a working group.

Reflecting their views, this best practice guidance provides a consistent, safe and robust approach to address counter allegations.

People sat in rows, two women one holding a notepad with a pen the other with an ipad.

Marac chairs training in Scotland

Our Marac chairs training in Scotland equips Marac chairs, deputies and representatives with the essential skills to chair an efficient and effective Marac in Scotland

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