Find a Marac – Scotland

Contact details for practitioners to find their local Marac in Scotland

Find your local Scottish Marac

If you are a practitioner working with domestic abuse victims in Scotland, you can find contact details for your local Marac below.

Update Marac contact details

If you need to update your local Marac’s contact details, please get in touch so we can make this change for you.

Email us

Sending secure information

Please note that it is the responsibility of the individual or agency contacting a Marac to ensure that, if they are sending restricted information, they are using an email address that is either part of the government secure community (eg .gsi, .gsx or .pnn) or is compatible with secure email (eg .cjsm).

If you are in any doubt or it is your first time sending a referral, you should contact the Marac administrator/coordinator by phone.


Find a Marac in Scotland


Caithness and Sutherland

[email protected]

07970 943378

For referrals or transfers please call/email to request the online link.

Inverness, Badenoch, Strathspey & Nairn

[email protected]

07970 943378

For referrals or transfers please call/email to request the online link.


[email protected]

07970 943378

For referrals or transfers please call/email to request the online link.

Highlands and Islands


[email protected]

07970 943378

For referrals or transfers please call/email to request the online link.

Ross-shire & Skye

[email protected]

07970 943378

For referrals or transfers please call/email to request the online link.


[email protected]

07970 943378

For referrals or transfers please call/email to request the online link.

Western Isles  

[email protected]

07970 943378

For referrals or transfers please call/email to request the online link.

Inverclyde (excludes Renfrewshire)

For Marac referrals, send an initial email to [email protected] and the Marac Coordinator will contact you to discuss your referral. In order to protect the information of victims of Domestic Abuse and their children, please do not send referrals or personal data to this generic email address.

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See all Maracs

You may also be interested in

Marac referral criteria and form

A resource providing information on the criteria for a referral to Marac and answers to frequently asked questions about these.

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