Dash risk checklist

Access the SafeLives Dash risk checklist in English and different community languages, as well as frequently asked questions about using the tool in practice

The Dash risk checklist is used by Idvas and other frontline professionals to identify and assess risks when a potential victim discloses domestic abuse, ‘honour’- based violence or stalking.

The questions in the Dash risk checklist are based on extensive research about domestic abuse.

The Dash risk checklist aims to enable frontline professionals and Marac practitioners to identify high risk cases and decide which cases should be referred to Marac and what other support might be required.

A completed Dash risk checklist becomes an active record that can be referred to in the future for case management. It offers a common tool for agencies that are part of the Marac process and provides a shared understanding of risk in relation to domestic abuse, stalking and ‘honour’-based violence. The checklist ensures that assessments made about high risk cases are defensible and based on evidence from extensive research.

We strongly recommend that you read the practice guidance and FAQs resource before using the Dash risk checklist.

We also recommend that you review the checklist after a new incident as risk is dynamic and can change very quickly.

Different language versions of the Dash risk checklist

The Dash risk checklist is available to download in several languages:

  • Arabic
  • German
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Punjabi
  • Romanian
  • Somali
  • Turkish
  • Welsh

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Dash risk checklist for Scotland

This resource provides guidance and versions of the Dash risk checklist that have been adapted for use in Scotland, including English and Gaelic versions.

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