Find a Marac – West Midlands

Marac contact details in the West Midlands. Covers Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Solihull, Staffordshire, Walsall, Warwickshire, Wolverhampton and Worcestershire

If you are a practitioner working with domestic abuse victims in the West Midlands, you can find contact details for your local Marac below.

Need to update your Marac’s contact details?

Please get in touch we can make this change for you.

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Sending secure information

Please note that it is the responsibility of the individual or agency contacting a Marac to ensure that, if they are sending restricted information, they are using an email address that is either part of the government secure community (eg .gsi, .gsx or .pnn) or is compatible with secure email (eg .cjsm).

If you are in any doubt or it is your first time sending a referral, you should contact the Marac administrator/coordinator by phone.

Find a Marac in the West Midlands

Worcestershire - North & South

Email: [email protected]
Please email co-ordinators with your contact details, and they will call you back.
Tel: 0300 333 3000

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Marac referral criteria and form

A resource providing information on the criteria for a referral to Marac and answers to frequently asked questions about these.

Marac toolkit for representatives

A handy guide with template forms for multi-agency representatives, explaining how the entire process works and your unique role at the meeting.

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