Children and young people Insights dataset

Latest and past data about specialist children’s domestic abuse services

This Children and Young people Insights dataset report examines data from specialist children and young people’s domestic abuse services. It is part of a series of publications from our Insights dataset.

This data report forms part of a series of publications from SafeLives’ Insights dataset. The data in this report is from children and young people (CYP) engaging with specialist children and young people’s domestic abuse services between April 2023 and March 2024, and who consented to having their data used for research and monitoring purposes. Case workers filled out a total of 1,966 valid Intake forms and 1,738 valid Exit forms on behalf of CYP engaging with seven services using the SafeLives Insights portal.

  • 19%

    of CYP at intake were self referrals

  • 13%

    of clients at intake were repeats to the service

  • 92%

    of children were experiencing direct abuse at intake

Key findings

  • 13% of clients at intake were repeats to the service, up from 12% last year
  • 19% of CYP at intake or self referrals
  • 92% of children were experiencing direct abuse at intake
  • Children were exposed to domestic abuse for 8 years on average
  • After support from a caseworker, there was a 90% reduction in CYP exposed to abuse and an 84% reduction in CYP experiencing direct abuse
  • 31% CYP were supported with their relationships with family members
  • After being supported with family relationships, 98% of CYP had improved wellbeing and 95% had improved quality of relationships with family members

Read the briefing for the full data.

About the Insights database

We run the largest database of domestic abuse cases in the UK. Since 2009, we have gathered data from services working with victims, survivors, and their children into our Insights system. This gives us an unparalleled overview of survivors’ experiences and the support they receive.

Insights was redeveloped in 2017 and replaced with an online portal. For reference, the final published dataset using the old indicators is included on the downloads of this page.

We hope that everyone working to stop domestic abuse will be able to use this data to improve their services so that victims and families get the right help sooner.

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SafeLives Insights service

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Children and young people

Find out more about Safe Young Lives our programme of work across the UK to reduce the risk experienced by young people and to improve the care pathways they can access.