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About training with SafeLives

Our training supports professionals to recognise the signs of domestic abuse, understand the issues, and respond quickly and effectively when a victim needs help.

Get help and support

SafeLives isn't a domestic abuse service. But if you're experiencing domestic abuse or you're worried about a friend or family member, help is available.

Who is affected?

Data exploring who the victims of domestic abuse are, and what characteristics and factors make a person more likely to be abused.

What is a Marac?

Learn more about multi-agency risk assessment conferences, who attends and how they help safeguard victims of domestic abuse.

Authentic Voice Principles and Model

A summary of the Authentic Voice principles and Authentic Voice model. The AV principles are the foundation of all our Authentic Voice work. They were co-created by survivors (SafeLives Pioneers and Authentic Voice Panel) and professionals, some of whom also have lived experience of domestic abuse. The AV model was created to hold space for survivors to choose the level of involvement that best meets their needs at this time when using their lived experience in our work.

Insights data

Datasets from our Insights system on Idva services, outreach services, children accessing domestic abuse services and sexual violence services.

Practitioner datasets

Access our latest national datasets for services supporting domestic abuse victims across the UK.

Children and young people

Find out more about Safe Young Lives our programme of work across the UK to reduce the risk experienced by young people and to improve the care pathways they can access.

Subscribe to our newsletter

Sign up to receive our monthly newsletters about the latest training, events, research and fundraising initiatives at SafeLives. Together, we can end domestic abuse, for everyone, for good.

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