‘Honour’-based abuse and forced marriage cases at Marac in Scotland

Research report

This report outlines the findings from a survey of Scottish Maracs and themes from focus groups conducted with specialist practitioners in Scotland. Following this report, we have also created a toolkit for Marac professionals to support them in responding to referrals involving ‘honour’-based abuse.

Many services do not recognise that a person’s culture may give them as much as it takes away and assume that if a woman does not want to leave her religion or her family behind that she does not want to help herself.

Focus group participant

The contents of this 28-page research report include:

  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Key findings
  • Findings
  • Recommendations
  • Conclusion
  • Appendices
  • About SafeLives.

The research supports SafeLives’ guidance on responding to cases of ‘honour’-based abuse at Marac in Scotland.

Marac resources for professionals in Scotland

Access our resources tailored specifically for all professionals involved in the Marac process in Scotland.