Who we are

Find out about SafeLives’ vision, our values, our people, and how we are run and funded.

SafeLives works with organisations across the UK to transform the response to domestic abuse, at a local, national, UK and societal level.

How we are run

Our Board of Trustees has overall responsibility for the governance of the charity. It does this by holding our Senior Leadership Team to account to ensure we achieve our strategic and charitable objectives. Our Senior Leadership Team – led by Ellen Miller, our Chief Executive – is responsible for SafeLives’ overall operational management.

We raise our money through donations and from charitable organisations and trusts. We get part of our income from government grants, as well as from fees for our training and consultancy services.

Read our most recent annual accounts report and financial statements or view them on the Charity Commission website.

We’d like to thank everyone who supports the work of SafeLives, including our donors and supporters.

Get in touch with our Fundraising team


Our values

Our vision is to end domestic abuse, for everyone, for good. Find out more about what SafeLives are working towards and the principles which guide our work.

Our people

Our dedicated senior leadership team, trustees and associates are committed to shaping our strategic direction and driving change. Find out more about the passionate individuals leading SafeLives.

Our history

Over the years we have developed a unique approach that combines survivor voice, evidence, and best practice to make a real difference to families across the UK. Find out about the work we have achieved over the years.