Our operational plan

Our operational plan sets out the areas of focus in 2023-24, as we work towards our long-term vision to end domestic abuse.

    The Whole Picture describes a society where collectively we will:

  • 1.

    Act before someone harms or is harmed

  • 2.

    Identify and stop harmful behaviours

  • 3.

    Increase safety for those at risk

  • 4.

    Support people to live the lives they want after harm occurs

Threaded throughout this is working in line with our values – being human, rigorous and brave – and our commitment to being anti-racist and inclusive.

If you would like to know more about our work, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Contact SafeLives


Developing and delivering models of multi-agency work to improve the way domestic abuse is understood, prevented, and tackled at a local level; grounded in the voices of survivors and backed by good quality data/evidence

  • Designing a local “whole picture model” based on our public health approach, and using it for work with local areas to understand how systematic their approach to domestic abuse is and where they can improve to create a coordinated community response which includes work with survivors of all ages (including Safe Young Lives)
  • Supporting multi-agency risk conferencing across the UK, providing data, advice and training, including supporting the further development of Marac across Scotland
  • Delivering our ‘Drive’ programme to change the behaviours of those who harm, in partnership with Respect, Social Finance and local support organisations
  • Producing practice guidance and materials – this will include advice for people working with racially minoritised young people, with those who self-harm, as well as support for visually impaired victims/survivors and support for Trans victims/survivors


Increasing capability of frontline professionals through training, quality frameworks and improving relationships

  • Delivering our extensive programme of training, including accredited programmes (eg Idva and Idaa), Domestic Abuse Matters (to police forces) and initiatives such as our work with the Institute for Addressing Strangulation, and our work training family lawyers
  • Delivering our quality accreditation schemes, including Leading Lights and Domestic Abuse Court Advocacy Accreditations
  • Facilitating domestic abuse networks and events, including our CEO network and Safer Sooner (Scotland)
  • Providing benchmarking and intelligence through the ‘Insights‘ programme
  • Working closely with Cafcass to support their improvement


Making sure that the voices of survivors are integral in how domestic abuse is understood and responded to

  • Increasing and diversifying our group of survivors sharing their Authentic Voices
  • Rolling out our Authentic Voice toolkit
  • Integrating our youth Changemakers into our wider organisational and authentic voice work
  • Delivering a range of commissioned Authentic Voice projects, including in Scotland and Manchester


Speaking out for better legislation, regulation and enforcement of victims’ rights and the development of an effective whole picture response

  • Contributing to the development of the Victims Bill and other key legislation and statutory guidance
  • Campaigning for better, redistributed funding for work with victims and survivors
  • Working to ensure a strong voice for survivors of domestic abuse in advance of the next General Election
  • Producing our annual Impact Report
  • Refreshing our website


We will also ensure we are an effective and well-managed organisation, to support delivery of these workstreams

  • Holding wide conversations on anti-racism and inclusion, and defining our approach to being consciously inclusive and building a sense of belonging for our team
  • Strengthening the role of Pioneers and our Authentic Voice panel internally
  • Manage our finances effectively and generate income through fundraising and fee earning work to support delivery of our objectives
  • Refreshing our medium-term strategy
  • Delivering new strategies for People & Culture and Communications
  • Recruiting a new chair and up to three trustees