Dash and Dara - Working together on multi-agency risk assessments

SafeLives’ risk-led approach is founded on the belief that people at the greatest risk of serious harm as a result of domestic abuse should get urgent help, supporting them to become safe and well. And it means frontline services must work together to protect them and their family. 

We joined Jo Silver, SafeLives Director of Quality & Innovation, to hear about a risk led approach to domestic abuse, and in conversation with Louisa Rolfe, NCCP DA lead and Assistant Commissioner, Metropolitan Police, about how police are starting to use a new way of identifying risk on the frontline using the new Domestic Abuse Risk Assessment (Dara), how this works alongside the Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour based abuse risk identification checklis (Dash), and some updates relating to the Dash. 

This webinar was intended for multi-agency professionals including; police, domestic abuse practitioners and service managers, front line workers in housing, health, mental health, substance misuse workers, by and for organisations, domestic abuse strategic leads and commissioners.

List of resources from the webinar

Dash and Dara Q&A

Event recording: