
Join our team of incredible fundraisers taking on challenges and hosting events to raise funds for us

Ways to fundraise for SafeLives

Join our team of incredible fundraisers taking on challenges and hosting events to raise funds for us. The money you raise will support our mission to end domestic abuse, for everyone and for good.

Fundraising for SafeLives is fun and rewarding. It can also be really empowering for survivors and those with friends and family affected by domestic abuse. Help us improve the UK’s response to domestic abuse, so no one has to face it alone.

Our mum was put through a lot. I remember we had to keep moving to safe houses and had a panic button in our house linking to the local police station. I don’t know the full extent of it, but I can only imagine how it must have been for mum.

Billy and Evan, brothers who ran a challenge event for SafeLives

Take on a challenge

Take a look at ‘Let’s Do This’ and ‘Global Adventure Challenges’ for inspiration – they list 100s of events happening across the UK and beyond, from fun runs to marathons, hikes to cycle challenges, obstacle courses to triathlons.

Whichever challenge you set yourself, make sure to get in touch and let us know. Give our friendly fundraising team a call on 0117 403 3220 or email us on – we’d love to hear from you!

Events and activities:

Each year we have a number of guaranteed charity places in exciting races. To claim a place in any of these challenge events, contact the team or register your interest and our team will get back to you.

Register your interest


A young man wearing a SafeLives fundraising T-shirt

Hello my name is Ioan and I have been training for a half marathon. I came across SafeLives at a talk hosted by the University of Leeds. I cannot thank SafeLives enough for the kind support of its staff, including my very own SafeLives vest! I am very proud to have fundraised for such a worthy cause and would like to say thank you to everyone that has so generously contributed.

Host a fundraising event

If sports challenges aren’t for you, why not organise your own fundraiser? Our supporters have held community events with family and friends, at work, in their place of worship, and at university or school. Get in touch with our fundraising team to tell us your plans:

Here are a few fundraising event ideas to get you started.

Bake off or bake sale: Ask people to bring beautiful bakes for sale, or host a bake off with one or two judges marking each bake. Make sure everyone gets to have a taste!

Non-uniform day: organise a dress-down day at school or work, have fun and raise vital funds.

A dinner party: let your guests know that instead of bringing a bottle or flowers, you’re fundraising for SafeLives.

Yoga workshop: know a yoga instructor who can run a live session? If not, find a good online class that’s a suitable level for all attendees.

Quiz night: ask friends or family members to create quiz rounds, or plan a Mastermind themed quiz night.

Film night: raise funds while hosting a movie marathon with popcorn. Our top tip is to plan in advance. Did you know, if you watched all seven Harry Potter films in one go it would take nearly 20 hours!

Music night: know someone in a band or a great singer? Got a karaoke machine? Get a group of family and friends or your neighbourhood together for a music-themed night. Mix up live performances with music quizzes to get everyone involved.

Host a clothes swap: you could theme your clothes swap event, for example winter warmers, baby and kids clothes, work wear, or wedding guest outfits.

Coffee morning: this could be a small gathering of friends in your kitchen or a gettogether on your driveway or in your garden with sweet treats.

Gameathon: pick your favourite community-friendly game and run a gaming marathon. See JustGiving’s useful gaming marathon tips.

You could also support us at your special occasion, birthday or wedding. Or, nominate SafeLives as your work, school or student society charity of the year. Businesses can also join our corporate partnership programme.

Getting started with your fundraising

When you’ve chosen your event it’s time to get started with your fundraising. Here are our top tips:

Create your online fundraising page

The easiest way to set up a sponsored event is to create your own fundraising page on JustGiving. Family, friends and colleagues will be able to sponsor you online from anywhere in the UK and beyond. JustGiving reclaims 25% in Gift Aid on UK donations, making all your donations go a lot further.

Promote your event

Now you need to tell people about what you’re doing! Social media – like Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) – is brilliant for this. Create an event page or use status updates as a way of quickly and easily letting friends and family know what you’re planning.

Keep your event safe, fun and legal

The key to a successful fundraising event is to enjoy yourself. The more fun you have, the more your guests are likely to give! Remember when holding any event to check with your council if you need to get a licence or insurance.

Remember to keep everyone updated

Once the event is over, remember to make contact with all your donors and attendees to let them know how much you’ve raised and thank them for their support.

Get in touch

Whether you set yourself a challenge or organise your own event, make sure to get in touch and let us know. Not only do we love to hear from you but we can help with advice and inspiration, tips for setting up your fundraising and practicalities such as paying in donations.

Remember that every donation supports our mission to end domestic abuse, for everyone and for good.

Give our friendly fundraising a call on 0117 403 3220 or email us on We look forward to hearing from you!


We strive for best practice in fundraising and are registered with the Fundraising Regulator, complying with its Fundraising Promise.

Fund our work

Fund SafeLives’ work to help us transform the UK’s response to domestic abuse

Corporate partnerships

Join us on our mission to end domestic abuse through a corporate partnership. We work closely with each corporate partner to build long-term relationships.

Make a donation

There are lots of ways to make a donation to SafeLives including online, via the post, by text, and in memory.

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Sign up to receive our monthly newsletters about the latest training, events, research and fundraising initiatives at SafeLives. Together, we can end domestic abuse, for everyone, for good.

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