Guidance for adult safeguarding boards linking with Marac

A template for adult safeguarding boards to ensure the safeguarding of older people who are victims of domestic abuse

This template aims to help Local Safeguarding Adult’s Boards (LSABs) link effectively with the Marac process. It also covers how to collate appropriate evidence to know how they are improving specific outcomes for older victims of domestic abuse.

It outlines a number of outcomes that LSABs should strive to achieve in order to effectively safeguard older people identified through the Marac. These are:

  • all organisations with a role to safeguard older people are represented at the Marac
  • all older people are identified and referred through appropriate safeguarding pathways, with a coordinated multi agency response implemented at the Marac
  • a clear understanding of older people identified through Marac and their needs
  • the Marac is performing in line with SafeLives’ recommendations and best practice.

To support the LSAB in achieving these outcomes, we have provided strategic questions for the LSAB to consider. These questions can be discussed as part of a Board meeting or sub group, sent as a questionnaire to LSAB members or delegates to a nominated individual to complete and present to the Board.

This guidance template provides examples of best practice, evidence and guidance in order to support the LSAB in answering these questions. It outlines the suggested questions that relate to each outcome as well as further evidence and guidance.

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