Dash risk checklist for Northern Ireland

This resource provides guidance and a version of the Dash risk checklist with 24 questions that has been adapted for use in Northern Ireland

The Dash risk checklist is used by Idvas and other frontline professionals to identify risks when domestic abuse, ‘honour’- based violence or stalking are disclosed.

There are 24 questions within the Northern Ireland Dash risk checklist which have been developed in line with extensive research of domestic abuse.

The aim of the Northern Ireland Dash risk checklist is to enable frontline Marac practitioners to identify high risk cases to decide which cases should be referred to Marac and what other support might be required.

The guidance provided within this resource includes advice on talking to victims about the results of the checklist, and about asking questions about different types of abuse and risk factors. The guidance also provides a list of resources, including local resources in Northern Ireland.

The Northern Ireland version of the checklist recommends additional questions relating to children and dependents, as advised by The Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety.

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Dash risk checklist

Access the SafeLives Dash risk checklist in English and different community languages, as well as frequently asked questions about using the tool in practice.

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