Briefing for Maracs: repeat cases

Learn about the definition of a Marac repeat case and best practice guidance on how to manage them effectively

This briefing provides guidance on the definition of a repeat Marac case and how to manage repeat cases in the Marac process so that the safety of referred victims and children is optimised.

We define a ‘repeat’ as any instance of abuse between the same victim and perpetrator(s), within 12 months of the last referral to Marac.

The individual act of abuse does not need to be ‘criminal’, violent or threatening but should be viewed within the context of a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour.

These events could be disclosed to any service or agency including, but not exclusive to, health care practitioners (including mental health), domestic abuse specialists, police, substance misuse services, housing providers etc.

What this briefing contains

  • Our full explanation of the definition of a repeat case, including example events that might be considered a repeat incident
  • Why it’s important to identify repeat cases
  • Why it’s important to refer repeat cases back to Maracs
  • How repeat cases can be managed effectively at the Marac meeting
  • Why it’s important for Maracs to undertake a regular, strategic overview of repeat Marac cases

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