
Stay informed about about upcoming events, webinars and conferences.

Current events:

The Domestic Abuse Frontline Excellence Conference (England & Wales)

A free conference for Idvas, specialist Idvas, and the DA frontline working in England and Wales. Funded by the Ministry of Justice.

When: 26 March 2025

Where: Online (Zoom)

What’s it all about?

With limited time and resources, we know it can often feel like the DA frontline is drowning in information, yet thirsty for practical knowledge. That’s why we’ve created a conference focused on delivering tangible, actionable insights you can apply in your roles and across your service.

  • It’s about policy

Translating the latest research, guidelines, and legislation into real-world action.

  • It’s about practice

Developing knowledge, practical skills, and professional confidence.

  • It’s about people

Celebrating all that DA frontliners do, and helping you preserve your wellbeing while you do it.

  • It’s about purpose

Fostering collaboration that drives real change, and creating space for meaningful conversations – no matter how hard.


Explore the full line-up and book your place

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