Training for police

At SafeLives we believe domestic abuse can be stopped. We train police forces across the UK to help them spot the early signs of domestic abuse and understand the manipulative tactics used by perpetrators.

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Getting it right the first time

More than two million adults in the UK experience domestic abuse each year. The impact of not taking the right action – on individuals and families – is devastating. At the time they start school, we know at least one child in every classroom will have been living with domestic abuse since they were born.  

On average, it takes over 30 incidents before a victim of domestic abuse will call the police. For too long, daily, insidious abuse, where one person seeks to control another has remained hidden. With the right training and understanding on the mechanics of coercive control, your force can make a difference to lives of victims, survivors and whole families. 

SafeLives' DA Matters training really does deliver. It's slick, to the point and very impactive. Officers suggest it's some of the best training they've received. It provided the skills uplift we required - sending a hugely positive message across the constabulary. It's thought provoking and has certainly influenced officers to consider better questions around coercion and control.

DA Matters Police Lead, Suffolk

Domestic Abuse Matters

Learn more about 'Domestic Abuse Matters' - our bespoke cultural change programme for police officers and staff.
Police car

Domestic Abuse Matters

Our Domestic Abuse (DA) Matters is a bespoke cultural change programme for police officers and staff in England and Wales, designed to transform the response to domestic abuse.

Domestic Abuse Matters Scotland

SafeLives are pleased to have been able to work collaboratively with Police Scotland to deliver Domestic Abuse (DA) Matters Scotland, supporting the implementation of the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018.

Our latest evaluation data shows that after the training:

SafeLives evaluation and anecdotal evidence suggest the training leads to a change in attitude and thinking around domestic abuse, which doesn’t just affect arrest rates, but the overall response victims receive.
  • 95%

    of learners had a good understanding of the tactics perpetrators use when coercively controlling victims

  • 94%

    of first responders had a strong understanding of the tactics perpetrators use to keep victims in a a relationship

  • 92%

    of learners had a good understanding of the tactics perpetrators can use to manipulate police responders

SafeLives Adopter Forces Map & Feedback

Since 2015, SafeLives have worked with 37 forces to adopt the Domestic Abuse Matters programme. We  have trained over 60,000 learners in both Home Office and non-home office forces.

Our aim is for all 43 forces in England & Wales to have adopted the programme by April 2025 – bringing national consistency around Police training, and in turn service delivery to domestic abuse victims and their families. 

DA Matters Scotland

Domestic Abuse Matters Scotland is a change programme that has allowed us to train nearly 14,000 officers and staff in identifying controlling and coercive behaviour. The programme was written and developed by SafeLives and the College of Policing in response to HMIC findings around police officers’ understanding of domestic abuse, and in particular, coercive control.

DA Matters Scotland builds on the successful delivery of our DA Matters programme in England and Wales. It is bespoke to the unique needs of Scotland, in particular around the introduction of the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act in April 2019.

We worked collaboratively with Police Scotland and our partners ASSISTthe Caledonian SystemSacro and Scottish Borders Safer Communities team to develop common understanding and awareness around the dynamics of abuse, coercive control and the tactics used by perpetrators.

I was initially resistant and didn’t want to go on DAMS (Domestic Abuse Matters Scotland responders training), but it has been the most valuable training I've been on in my 29 years of service. I have since told the other sergeants in the station to keep an open mind and that they'll enjoy it too.

Police officer (Scotland)

Why was DA Matters Scotland needed?

Over 130,000 people in Scotland live with domestic abuse every year, with 68% of victims who access specialist support disclosing controlling behaviour and 56% disclosing physical harm. The police play a vital role in the response to domestic abuse – protecting adult and child victims and holding perpetrators to account.

The DA Matters Scotland training came at a crucial time, to support the introduction of the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018, which made coercive control a criminal offence for the first time in Scotland. It is a testament to the many survivors who helped create the programme, the partnership with Police Scotland, and the dedication and commitment of trainers, that 85% of participants said they now have a strong understanding of the new legislation. This is just the start though. We will continue to take the learning forward, with the support of over 700 Police Scotland Champions who will sustain the change in skills, behaviour and attitudes through continued support and development. The evaluation of DA Matters Scotland shows that after the training:

Domestic Abuse Matters Scotland evaluation report

  • 85%

    had a strong understanding of the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018

  • 94%

    understood the impact of domestic abuse and coercive control on children

  • 82%

    were willing to strongly recommend the training to a colleague

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Police car

Domestic Abuse Matters

Our Domestic Abuse (DA) Matters is a bespoke cultural change programme for police officers and staff in England and Wales, designed to transform the response to domestic abuse.

Domestic Abuse Matters Scotland

SafeLives are pleased to have been able to work collaboratively with Police Scotland to deliver Domestic Abuse (DA) Matters Scotland, supporting the implementation of the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018.

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