The rise of remote working in the post-Covid world has compounded the challenges survivors face, leaving many isolated in homes that may feel unsafe; and disconnected from the support they might have accessed at work.
Employers can play a pivotal role in providing vital resources and support, helping victims feel seen, valued, and empowered. Businesses across every sector need to take responsibility for the wellbeing and safety of their staff. This requires training, resources, and leadership.
At SafeLives, we understand that employers want to do everything they can to keep their staff healthy, happy, and productive. That’s why we offer tailored training and support to equip organisations with the knowledge and tools needed to support employees experiencing domestic abuse. Our training helps employers recognise the signs, have sensitive conversations, and foster a culture of support. The workplace can be a powerful source of safety and stability – but only if employers act.
Paid safe leave is a welcome step. It gives survivors the time and space to seek help and begin to rebuild their lives. But it is crucial that this leave is flexible and adaptable to survivor’s needs. Some may require an extended period of leave to manage their situation, while others may need smaller amounts of leave spread across a longer period to navigate court processes, legal appointments, or local support. Flexibility ensures that survivors can access the right support at the right time, without additional stress or barriers. Support must not be limited to the immediate crisis point; it needs to be sustained over the long term, recognising that recovery from domestic abuse is a journey, not a single moment.
Domestic abuse is everybody’s business, and together we can make it stop.
To find out more about how SafeLives can help your organisation support employees, visit our training for employers page.