Response to consultation on Domestic Violence and Abuse Bill
‘No more bin bags in the middle of the night’
As Government launches a public consultation in an effort to improve responses to domestic abuse, charity SafeLives calls for radical ambition to end the problem, for good.
On International Women’s Day 2018, domestic abuse charity SafeLives calls for radical transformation in how we all think about and respond to an issue that still affects one in four women in her lifetime. As the Government publishes consultation on its flagship legislation, strongly endorsed by the Prime Minister herself, SafeLives calls for every one of us to be ambitious in bringing an end to the problem, so all girls and women can live safe lives.
Suzanne Jacob OBE, Chief Executive, SafeLivesWe're well into the 21st century but it's still common for women to be fleeing their home with their children and a bin bag full of their belongings. The Government is opening up a national conversation about abuse - let's really have that conversation, not settling for piecemeal solutions but determinedly pursuing change in our thinking and our actions
This means shining a light on things we still don't want to acknowledge; namely what goes on in our most personal, intimate relationships, often behind closed doors. Talking about the fact that if you're a teenager, disabled, in a same sex relationship or from an ethnic minority, you're less likely to get support and less likely to get justice. That if you're a wealthy white woman in the home counties, people still say it couldn't happen to you.
Jacob carries on "We welcome the Government's continued focus on domestic abuse and their recognition of it still being an endemic part of British society. A truly ambitious goal would be that all girls and women, no matter what front door they live behind, can have a safe relationship and home. What it will take to achieve this is i) comprehensive support for all victims/survivors, whether they seek it out at school, work, hospital, their community or elsewhere ii) relentless focus on understanding not 'why she doesn't leave', but 'why he doesn't stop', creating solutions that change or constrain harmful behaviour iii) support for children and young people that recognises the particular risks to them developing safe and well"
The Government has proposed there will be a domestic violence and abuse commissioner. That new commissioner should be given the access and platform they need to hold us all to account for radical change in our society.This is a unique moment. Government is listening. Survivors are speaking up in increasing numbers. The evidence is crystal clear. Let's grab the opportunity with both hands, so those bin bags in the middle of the night are consigned to the dustbin of history, once and for all.
Read the Report
Two women a week die at the hands of their partners or ex-partners, and one in five children experience domestic abuse growing up.
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