Response to Baroness Casey’s report on Met police misconduct

Baroness Louise Casey’s report into the culture of the Metropolitan Police is utterly damning.

Investigations of the Met’s failings stretch back more than 30 years, and yet institutional racism, sexism and homophobia persist and flourish throughout the ranks. Providing protection to people when they are at their most vulnerable is the most basic standard the Met is consistently and historically failing to meet.

Women, racially minoritised and LGBT+ communities, who are most socially disadvantaged and so most in need of a sensitive, compassionate, and professional response have too often been failed, dismissed, and preyed upon.

The report also concludes that the Met is defensive and resistant to change, which will leave victims of crime and marginalised communities, in particular, fearful about the response they receive when they’re in danger.

The Met’s leadership must accept these findings in full, and genuinely commit to the structural, systemic, and cultural transformation that is essential to restore trust. There can be no more justification, minimisation or talk of bad apples – this diminishes the officers and staff committed to change and victims must feel confident they can call the police and get the very best response.

Baroness Casey Review Final Report: March 2023

Baroness Casey’s Report on Misconduct: October 2022

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