Case management pack

Practical forms and guidance based on the key principles of effective case management

This pack provides practical forms and guidance based on the key principles of effective case management. It is based on the good practice that we have seen through our involvement with domestic abuse services across the country. The case management pack will help you:

  • clarify your service’s case management policies and procedures
  • create a clear case management process framework which is accessible, efficient and transparent
  • embed evaluation and monitoring into the case management process.

The pack is designed for use in day-to-day work with clients. It includes:

  • the foundations of case management
  • the core components of case management
  • recommended case management procedures
  • case management forms (for example, case intake and Marac referral forms)
  • Insights service data forms
  • guidance on how to use each form and how to embed it into your practice
  • pull-out aide memores for use in your day-to-day practice.

It also incorporates materials and information from our training courses and the Leading Lights accreditation programme.

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A woman sat in a room raising her hand and smiling.

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Our comprehensive training courses and professional services equip domestic abuse practitioners with knowledge, insights, and accreditation

Dash resources

The Dash risk checklist and related resources help practitioners provide a consistent approach to domestic abuse risk assessment across the UK.

Marac resources

Our Marac resources hub offers a comprehensive range of trusted resources and guidance to support your practice and enable victims of domestic abuse to be safer.

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