SafeLives Manifesto 2024

Our 2024 manifesto lays out six priorities for the next Government which would transform the response to domestic abuse and make families across the country safer, sooner.

Read our General Election 2024 Manifesto

Tackling and preventing domestic abuse is still too often seen as a criminal justice issue when all parts of the system – health, education and local government – have a crucial role to play.

This is reflected in funding provision too – investment in systems and services instrumental in preventing domestic abuse remains lacking. With the social and economic cost of domestic abuse estimated at £78bn a year, this is simply unsustainable.

We’re calling on the next Government to end the postcode lottery of support and transform the response to domestic abuse. 

The time to act is now.

#Invest2EndAbuse #GE2024



SafeLives Manifesto 2024

Our manifesto lays out 6 priorities for our future Government. Together, we can end domestic abuse for everyone, for good.

Read the manifesto

SafeLives is calling on the next Government to:

1. Put the authentic voice of survivors at the heart of policy-making
2. Invest to end abuse
3. Strengthen the systemic response to support the whole family
4. Challenge, intervene and prevent domestic abuse
5. Enable migrant survivors to access safety and support
6. Model whole system leadership in Government

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