Violence against women and girls (VAWG) strategy response

Consultation response to the government’s VAWG strategy call for evidence

We believe in a whole picture approach to ending domestic abuse for good. This model ensures the response to domestic abuse and to other forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG) stretches across society, communities and the entire family. We must see and respond appropriately to the whole person.

People may face a variety of barriers in speaking out about their experience of, or use of, abusive also behaviour. And these may impact on their ability to seek and access support.

Domestic abuse is a point on the continuum of VAWG and doesn’t occur in a vacuum. Perpetrators of domestic abuse are also likely to be perpetrators of other forms of violence against women. Survivors of domestic abuse are likely to have experienced other forms of VAWG – and will often experience other forms of VAWG through the lens of their experiences of domestic abuse.

This response to the government’s VAWG strategy call for evidence incorporates the views and experiences of our Pioneers (survivors of domestic abuse who work closely with us) and of our staff.


The VAWG that is visible and identified as such (including DA and [sexual assault]) is like the harvest of plants - we have to look at the soil that grew them, and the seeds that are planted, and change these if we want the flowers and fruit to be less toxic. We cannot just talk about what to do with the end result.

SafeLives Pioneer

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