Roadmap programme evaluation

Research by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) into the Roadmap programme and Beacon sites

Over five years, SafeLives and Women’s Aid Federation England collaborated with survivors of domestic abuse to develop and deliver groundbreaking changes to domestic abuse response. The programme was known overall as the ‘Roadmap programme’ and was delivered in five sites. SafeLives led the approach in two pilot locations – Norfolk and West Sussex – known as ‘Beacon sites’.

This research evaluation was led by academics at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), in partnership with Bangor University, the University of East London and Manchester Metropolitan University.

It draws from the experiences of 300 adult women and 70 child survivors of domestic abuse, spanning five sites across England between 2017 and 2021. In SafeLives’ pilot sites, men using or experiencing abuse were also supported.

    Evaluation outcomes for survivors supported in SafeLives Beacon sites

  • 76%

    reported a cessation of physical abuse

  • 85%

    felt safer

  • 82%

    felt their wellbeing had improved

I just felt that I was being listened to and what I was saying was being acted on, so it was very much.. led by me.

Adult survivor, Beacon site

    For child survivors supported in SafeLives Beacons sites

  • 80%

    reported a reduction in abuse

  • 91%

    said their wellbeing had improved

I do get angry, but I’m a little bit better. Yes, I’m a little bit better. It’s more whenever like somebody calls me names. Back in my old school I’d normally punch them.

Child survivor, Beacons site

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