Strategy Refresh 2021

Our three-year strategy to meet our mission to end domestic abuse for good

This page provides our 2021 – 2024 strategy refresh which sets out our three-year strategy to meet our mission to end domestic abuse for good.

Our 2021 strategy refresh focuses on our strategic priorities which are:

  • Strategic priority 1: To ‘act before somebody harms or is harmed’
  • Strategic priority 2: To ‘identify and stop harmful behaviour’
  • Strategic priority 3: To ‘increase safety for all those at risk’
  • Strategic priority 4: To ‘support people to live the lives they want after harm happens’
  • Strategic priority 5: To ‘remain an effective and sustainable organisation’

The period since we first published The Whole Picture, in November 2018, has been one of significant progress in attitudes to and action on domestic abuse in the UK, though this has been very uneven both geographically and in terms of who is able to access help. The last three years have also involved major challenges. In this short update to our strategy, we address these issues.

Over the next three years we expect to:

  1. Keep innovating and developing evidence around prevention and earlier intervention
  2. Continue to build on our work to bring in the voices and experiences of men and boys
  3. Continue and expand our work with young people
  4. Consistently focus on holding those who use abuse accountable for their actions
  5. Apply whole family best practice at a local and systemic level
  6. Continue to seek more energetic and impactful engagement from parts of central Governments and big public sector agencies – specifically health and education
  7. Increase the confidence of professionals and individual citizens to act, playing their appropriate role to end domestic abuse
  8. Put adult and child survivors of domestic abuse in the driving seat of making change
  9. Ensure responses work for everyone, using an equity approach where it’s needed to overcome historic discrimination
  10. Develop a coalition which can operate credibly and with influence in spaces occupied by men and boys

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