SOS: Sounds of Silence

Recommendations for the police

SOS: The Sound of Silence is an authentic voice project working with young people so their voices can influence laws and advice for people working with children on healthy relationships.

As part of our SOS – amplifying the voices of young people project, we ran groups called ‘listening rooms’ with young people where we heard from them on topics identified by our Changemakers – a group of dedicated young people who share a passion to end domestic abuse and tackle the social challenges facing today’s youth.

More info about SafeLives Changemakers and Pioneers

The first listening room explored how young people felt about engaging with the police, and whether they would go to the police if they were in a toxic relationship. We gathered all the feedback from the listening room and produced a document of recommendations.


In November 2023, we published the Sound of Silence impact report, Sound of Silence: A journey of co-creation in youth-led responses to domestic abuse. This report explores how co-creation in youth-led responses to Domestic Abuse has given voice to young people who are often overlooked, ignored or silenced and shows how we engaged over 1290 young people to deepen understanding and drive change on our mission to end domestic abuse for all members of the family.

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