Response to Home Affairs Select Committee preparations for and in response to Covid-19

Evidence about the risks to and support needed by victims and survivors of domestic abuse during the pandemic

In this unprecedented crisis, we recognise that the Government has to introduce emergency measures to protect those who are vulnerable to the coronavirus and to ensure that services can continue to function in the event that cases of sick and dying people overwhelm the capacity of public services. Early evidence however suggests that lockdown conditions created by the pandemic, particularly the isolation of families, could lead to the doubling of the number of victims of domestic abuse.

We make a number of key recommendations for government actions concerning policy, funding, service provision and other support for victims and survivors of domestic abuse.

This consultation response has been written using the voice of survivors and frontline service managers.


[I] psychologically feel unsafe, being coercively controlled by ex-husband as he has my daughter. Using the Covid-19 situation to further control and making it difficult as I am in the vulnerable category too. He is refusing to adhere to the Covid-19 guidelines and will not accept the medical advice that I have been given, therefore putting me at risk too. I am powerless and have no one to help me and cannot afford a solicitor now.


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