Marac quarterly datasets 2022
National key findings from multi-agency risk assessment conferences across the UK, including key findings on children in the household and referral routes
We collect data from all Maracs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and most Maracs in Scotland. The data is collected at meeting level which means we have information about the cohort of cases discussed at each meeting but not data on individual cases.
These datasets show the trends seen at Maracs across the UK and enable us to build a picture of the response to high risk domestic abuse cases nationally.
We present this data quarterly in key findings briefings. We include 12-month figures, based on the published data at the time, to provide an annual picture of what’s happening at Maracs. We also often include a focus on a specific issue such as disability or ethnicity.
On this page you can read and download:
- Q1 2022: April 2021 to March 2022: Key findings and focus on children in the household
- Q2 2022: July 2021 to June 2022: Key findings and focus on referral routes
- Q3 2022: October 2021 to September 2022: Key findings
- Q4 2022: January 2022 to December 2022: Key findings