Helpline services Insights dataset

2014-17 data about adult helpline services for victims and survivors of domestic abuse

This data report forms part of a series of publications from our Adult Insights dataset. It contains 1,755 unique individual cases at intake and 1,690 matched cases at exit, drawn from 5 helpline services across England and Wales that used the Insights outcome measurement service between April 2014 and March 2017.

  • 37%

    of clients were Black, Asian and racially minoritised people

  • 47%

    of clients self-referred

    followed by 21% referred by the police

  • 2 out of 3

    children were not known to children's services

    in households where domestic abuse was being perpetrated

Key findings

  • Self-referrals were the most frequent referral route (47%), followed by police referral (21%)
  • 33% of clients had issues with mental health
  • 14% of clients had a disability – 6% had a physical disability
  • 70% of clients were aged between 21 and 40 years old
  • Two thirds of children in households where domestic abuse was taking place weren’t known to children’s services
  • 67% of clients at exit reported feeling safer
  • 62% of clients at exit felt their quality of life had improved and 77% felt confident in accessing support in the future.

About the Insights database

We run the largest database of domestic abuse cases in the UK. Since 2009, we have gathered data from services working with victims, survivors, and their children into our Insights system. This gives us an unparalleled overview of survivors’ experiences and the support they receive.

We hope that everyone working to stop domestic abuse will be able to use this data to improve their services so that victims and families get the right help sooner.