Health-based services Insights dataset

2015-18 data about adult health-based services

This data report forms part of a series of publications from our Adult Insights dataset. It contains 938 unique individual cases at intake and 785 matched cases at exit, drawn from 11 health services across England and Wales that used the Insights outcome measurement service between April 2015 and March 2018.

    For victims of domestic abuse supported by a health Idva

  • 46%

    saw the abuse stopped completely

    after support from a health Idva

  • 72%

    saw a reduction in risk following support

    from a health Idva

  • 22%

    of health Idva clients were over the age of 50

Key findings

  • After support from a health Idva, the abuse stopped completely for nearly half of clients
  • 43% of clients had issues with mental health
  • 18% of clients had a disability – 12% of clients had a physical disability
  • Over two thirds of all referrals came from GP, hospital and maternity services
  • Risk was reduced for nearly three quarters of clients following support from a health Idva
  • 22% of health Idva clients were over the age of 50
  • In cases with recorded police reports, the perpetrator of abuse was arrested in 68% of cases, and charged in 47% of cases

About the Insights database

We run the largest database of domestic abuse cases in the UK. Since 2009, we have gathered data from services working with victims, survivors, and their children into our Insights system. This gives us an unparalleled overview of survivors’ experiences and the support they receive.

We hope that everyone working to stop domestic abuse will be able to use this data to improve their services so that victims and families get the right help sooner.

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SafeLives Insights service

Insights enables domestic abuse services to understand their clients’ needs using reliable evidence, ensuring services provide the right resources to victims, survivors and their families.
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Research and resources for healthcare professionals to improve the response to supporting victims of domestic abuse.