Response to the Family Courts Review

Ministry of Justice’s consultation on assessing risk of harm to children and parents in private law children cases

Family courts can be a distressing place for survivors of domestic abuse, who often describe their experience as very stressful, lengthy and having a significant impact on their health. They tell us that the family court can be traumatising, often describing their experience as worse than the abuse they have experienced or see it as forming part of an ongoing pattern of abuse. It is also so often a difficult and prolonged battleground for men and women, with children at the very centre of bitter arguments. This must change.

Our consultation response has been created with input from survivors in our local intervention sites, Idvas and Family Court Liaison Advisers and includes a focus on:

  • specialist support
  • cultural change
  • court procedures
  • financial abuse


I can see the life I want out there, but I keep getting dragged backwards (by the family court process).

Ali, 5 years involvement with Cafcass and the Family Court

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