SafeLives Insights service

Use Insights to understand clients’ needs using reliable evidence, ensuring you provide the right resources to victims, survivors and their families

SafeLives’ Insights is a tool that enables domestic abuse services to understand clients’ needs using reliable evidence. By using Insights, you can be sure you are providing the right resources at the right time, to help victims, survivors and their families become safe, sooner. 

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Victims, survivors and their families need the right resources at the right time to help them become safe, sooner. For a service to achieve this we believe you need a thorough understanding of the complexities of your client’s needs based on reliable evidence.

“Insights has been hugely beneficial for us: we have access to a much broader range of information on the issues facing our clients and on the variety of outcomes we are seeing. I think the other positive thing about Insights is that if the data is used properly and interpreted and shared with teams as it should be - it's a real motivator for staff.”

Service using Insights

What is Insights and how is it different?

Insights is an easy to use, flexible, outcomes measurement tool. The tool can be accessed online or integrated with an existing case management system. Insights enables you to collect, interpret and use evidence to improve your understanding of how your service is helping victims of domestic abuse.

This tried and tested system will show you what kind of impact your local services are having. And it’s even more powerful when every service in a local area uses it together, with the support of commissioners.

Benefits of SafeLives’ Insights tool

Insights offers benefits to services and commissioners by evidencing the need of families, and the positive impact that domestic abuse services provide to families within each area.

As well as generating the large annual datasets on domestic abuse, Insights gives you the following benefits:

  • A better understanding of the needs of families across your area
  • A clearer picture of the impact your services are having on the lives of families affected by domestic abuse
  • A powerful comparison of your services against national data and similar services, giving you an objective benchmark.
  • A tool to evidence your work to funders and commissioners. (See testimonials below.)
  • The ability to carry out contract monitoring more cost-effectively, by integrating Insights outcomes into service specifications.
  • Versions of the tool that are specifically designed for adults and children and young people.
  • Access to our learnings, as our research team analyse the entire dataset to identify what effective support for victims, survivors and their families looks like across the UK.
  • A dedicated account manager who will support you on how best to read, interpret and act on your outcomes.
  • Evidence provided to Insights enables SafeLives to speak out on your behalf and secure more money for the sector.
  • Above all, using Insights will help you transform more people’s lives.

“By providing information on ‘what works’, the Insights data will enable us to calculate the costs and benefits of the services in the future. This is critical as you have to appeal to both the heart and mind. Making a moral case for dealing with domestic abuse is important, but this needs to be backed up by a financial argument, which outlines clearly how early intervention can achieve savings by preventing long term costs.”

Judith Gibson, Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Partnership’s (CEDAP) strategic lead

The Insights system

We designed Insights to be an easy to use system which enables you to spend more time with your clients, instead of filling in forms.

The system is flexible and modular, allowing you to choose from a range of specialist sets of questions, such as children and young people and sexual violence, or you can even work with us to design your own. We also offer a range of ‘add-on’ modules to help you capture information about specific areas in more depth, such as housing and mental health.

Insights is an online portal providing instant access to your data at both area and role level. The system uses a single data entry form and you can track a client’s unique journey by adding review points. It is also possible to collate and create reports based on client feedback.

You can evidence specific areas of your work and how these link to outcomes for your clients, as well as include relevant demographic and contextual information, for example, adverse childhood experiences and multi-agency working.

Insights core system offers four sets of questions:

  • Adult victims of domestic abuse
  • Adult victims of sexual violence
  • Children
  • Those perpetrating abuse

We also offer additional modules to provide further customisation which include:

  • Housing
  • Helpline
  • Non-physical abuse

Alternatively you may wish for help designing an entirely new module.

We are seeking partners to pilot and feed into all of these modules, if you are interested please contact the Insights lead at [email protected].

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About training with SafeLives

Our training supports professionals to recognise the signs of domestic abuse, understand the issues, and respond quickly and effectively when a victim needs help.

Leading Lights accreditation

Leading Lights is SafeLives’ gold standard accreditation programme for community-based domestic abuse services across the UK.

Insights data

Datasets from our Insights system on Idva services, outreach services, children accessing domestic abuse services and sexual violence services.

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