Getting into the domestic abuse sector

Our training courses are aimed at those who are currently working in the sector. This is due to the structure of the courses and the accreditation requirements and we only take applications that fit these criteria.

However, if you want to get into the domestic abuse sector, there are still many options to explore.

There may be free or low-cost local domestic abuse training that you can access to strengthen your theoretical knowledge. Your local domestic abuse coordinator may have details of this.

You could look online at your local authority website or make enquires with the local domestic abuse service about this. Relevant areas of training include; domestic abuse dynamics, child protection training, adult safeguarding, domestic abuse risk assessment, and Marac training. Our website and the Women’s Aid website both contain some useful FAQs on domestic abuse and IDAS offer free online CPD accredited courses on domestic abuse and sexual violence.

There are some steps you could take which might help you when applying for jobs in the sector.

Getting practical experience is a really good way to equip yourself for an interview. You could contact your local services and ask whether they take volunteers, for example within the refuge or on a helpline. They might have AGMs or open days you could ask to attend to get to know the organisation. Ask these services for pointers on what they would look for in terms of knowledge and experience when recruiting so that you are fully prepared when a job is advertised. Many services will advertise jobs on the national Women’s Aid website and in the local paper.

The National Domestic Violence Helpline also looks for new volunteers at regular intervals. You can look on the Refuge or the Women’s Aid websites for more information regarding volunteer recruitment. Victim Support offers a lot of volunteering opportunities and corresponding training. Supporting victims of crime in general would be very relevant, but they do also specifically support victims of domestic violence and abuse. The Citizen’s Advice Bureau now run most of the witness services within the criminal courts, and you may be able to enquire about volunteering experience with them as well.

If direct experience within a domestic abuse service is not possible, any experience you have in supporting others will be valuable. Particularly if you’ve supported people in a period of crisis or difficulty. This may include work with young people, people with mental health difficulties, people with substance use issues, people involved in the criminal justice system, people accessing counselling or experiencing bereavement. This might be gained by voluntary work. Contact your local CVS for volunteering opportunities in your community.

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About training with SafeLives

Our training supports professionals to recognise the signs of domestic abuse, understand the issues, and respond quickly and effectively when a victim needs help.

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About domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is prevalent across all areas of the UK, and all sections of our society. Find out more about what domestic abuse is, who is affected, how we can challenge those who harm and support friends and family affected.

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