Responding to deaf victims of domestic abuse
Build your skills, knowledge and confidence. Improve your professional response and make victims of domestic abuse who are deaf or have hearing loss safer.
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Build your skills, knowledge and confidence. Improve your professional response and make victims of domestic abuse who are deaf or have hearing loss safer.
Our Specialist: Older person violence advisor (Opva) training aims to enhance professionals practical knowledge to best support older people who are victims of domestic abuse.
We have developed non-fatal strangulation (NFS) training for professionals, while working with the Institute for Addressing Strangulation, for a range of professionals who encounter victims and survivors of non-fatal strangulation
Domestic abuse training for family lawyers empowers family lawyers to take a trauma-informed approach to representing survivors of domestic abuse, understand the dynamics of abuse, recognise the effect of trauma on clients’ presentation, explain the impact of domestic abuse on children and young people, and enable clients to achieve best evidence. Moreover, the course keeps learners up to date with recent statute and case law.
Employers are well placed to spot the signs in colleagues: anxiety, decreased motivation, seeming distracted, being late, being on the phone to a partner or family member very often – and yet so often no one knows what to say or do. This must change.
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