Thank you from us to you

The last nine months has seen all of us face extraordinary challenges. Our professional and personal lives have changed enormously: many of us are isolated from colleagues and friends/family, organisations have lost funding, projects have been delayed or cancelled, some of us have become unwell or lost loved ones – and all at a time when the demand for domestic abuse support has never been higher.

However, it has also been a time of coming together and incredible effort and determination. We have seen services finding innovative and creative ways to reach out to victims, charities tackling IT issues at record speed (it can be done!), employees turning their kitchen table into a desk, practitioners taking phone calls while trying to keep the kids quiet, and colleagues reassuring each other over a screen rather than a cup of tea in the office.

We wanted to take this opportunity to thank every one of you for still doing what you’re doing. For still turning up whatever happens. We have been overwhelmed by the passion and insight coming from our partners, telling us honestly and clearly about what challenges they face and what they need to overcome them, taking the time to talk to us when diaries have never looked busier, and sharing stories and successes with one another.

As we face additional lockdowns, we all know thousands of families who will be frightened by what may be around the corner. We also know how many charities and services are facing unprecedented funding and operational challenges trying to help those families: if we can do anything at all – please tell us. We will do everything we can to amplify the voices of those on the frontline and the victims and families they serve.

Talk to us. Tell us what we need to do more of. What we need to do differently. We will always do what we can to help.