Response to General Election 2019

The Parliamentary logjam has broken with a decision for a 12th December election. This is still to be ratified by the Lords, but Parliament is likely to rise at the end of Tuesday.

This means the Domestic Abuse Bill falls. Of course, this is hugely frustrating after all the hard work everyone has put in over such a long period of time. Especially all the survivors and Pioneers who have shared their stories with us, and trusted us to help them make the case for change and to improve things for others who might find themselves in the same situation.

But – there is cross-party support for many of the measures the Bill contains and we have made very strong alliances with our partners in the domestic abuse sector and beyond.

The Bill Committee may still sit this week and we have important points still to make if it goes ahead. Whether it happens or not, our priority now is to keep focus on our whole picture ambitions and to make sure we are making the most cogent case we can for fully funded, comprehensive domestic abuse support to make it into every party manifesto.

That work begins straight away. We still want to #Invest2EndAbuse and will work with our partners to carry survivor voices beyond the election into a new Bill and stronger measures to help end domestic abuse.

Our key asks will remain:

  • Deliver a fully funded full statutory duty to provide specialist support services in the community alongside accommodation-based support, for the whole family, including all adult and child victims and survivors.
  • Identify and stop harmful behaviours with a comprehensive perpetrator strategy.
    Train those in a position to help, increasing understanding of domestic abuse and building effective multi-agency working which allows people to look at the whole picture, keeping families safe sooner.
  • And we will continue to support colleagues and partners on many of the other important details in the current Bill.

We will also keep up our work with all key Government departments and relevant officials; make a strong case to individual Parliamentarians and other stakeholders who can help influence change at policy level; keep our funders, supporters, partners and frontline colleagues informed about our priorities and continued commitments; and make sure survivors know we are still listening and sharing their voices.

There is still all to play for; remembering domestic abuse is the one topic which has managed to unite the House in the last three years.

To everyone who has worked alongside us, shared their stories with us, and continues to support victims and survivors every day: thank you for all you are doing to keep the Whole Picture in the frame.