Response to Femicide census report 2020

Today, the Femicide Census released a report on women and girls aged 14 and over killed by men in the UK in 2018.

Suzanne Jacob OBE, Chief Executive of SafeLives, said:

This desperately sad but vitally important report reminds us that there is still much more to do. We need fully funded, specialist support that responds to the level of risk faced by each member of a family.

We need to ensure police forces have the training, support and resources they need to keep victims safe. And, given that in more than half of cases the perpetrator had previously been violent to women, we urgently need to change the way we respond to perpetrators.

Our thoughts are with the families and loved ones of each one of these women. We won’t stop until we end domestic abuse for everyone and for good.

Suzanne Jacob OBE, Chief Executive of SafeLives