Ministry of Justice Idva training

In February the Ministry of Justice announced that they were providing a £40 million funding boost to specialist services supporting victims on domestic abuse and sexual violence, £16 million of which is to be spent recruiting and training new Independent domestic violence advisors (Idvas). SafeLives welcomed this announcement, as Idvas play a key role in supporting victims of domestic abuse identified as being at high risk of serious harm or murder.

I wouldn't be here today if it hadn't been for the support the Idva service offered me


We are pleased to announce that SafeLives are one of the named providers of the Ministry of Justice Idva training and will be running several courses in Spring 2022. Priority for places on these courses will go to services that have been awarded funding by their Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) to employ and train Idvas. SafeLives are a leading training provider, and this training will enhance your practical knowledge, helping you provide the best possible support for domestic abuse victims, survivors, and their children.

The training is supported by relevant specialists from many different fields, including the criminal justice system, family law, child protection, Sexual assault referral centres (Sarcs) and housing services. The training also includes modules on Multi-agency risk assessment conferences (Marac), Anti-racist practice, and working with minoritised groups experiencing domestic abuse or harmful practices.

The content is designed to give learners the depth and breadth of understanding needed to support domestic abuse victims, survivors, and their children in a multi-agency context and from a whole family perspective.

I have learnt so much in attending this course and it has increased my confidence massively in working with victims of domestic abuse

Previous Learner

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Survivor voices

A group of experts by experience came together and named themselves the SafeLives Pioneers, because they want to use their experiences and passion to change the world. Their voices inform everything we do, and together we aim to transform the response to domestic abuse in the UK – for every victim and survivor and their children.
Woman clutching her chest, sat on the floor.

About domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is prevalent across all areas of the UK, and all sections of our society. Find out more about what domestic abuse is, who is affected, how we can challenge those who harm and support friends and family affected.