Additionally, the research found that the crucial dynamics of power and control central to domestic abuse were not being recognised. In turn this led to a lack of  understanding about coercive control, something considered as a key risk indictor within DHR’s. As such, the use of this wheel within training is best done when in combination with the power and control wheel, along with a clear explanation as to why these responses are dangerous and damaging to victims.

We know that healthcare settings are frequently attended and used by women experiencing domestic abuse. Additionally, for many women this is the only safe place to disclose, or the first professional to see them following an abusive incident. As such, it is integral that healthcare professionals know how to appropriately and safely respond to disclosures of DVA. Failure to do this can leave the victim feeling to blame for the abuse, unlikely to disclose again and potentially at greater risk of harm. The Medical Power and Control Wheel helps address this and ensure safety, validation and support for the patient are provided.