How widespread is domestic abuse and what is the impact?

High numbers of women – and many men – will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. The impact of domestic abuse on the victim and on children – even once they have achieved safety – is severe and long-lasting.

  • 10.4 million adults

    (aged 16+) in England and Wales have experienced domestic abuse since the age of 16.

    This equates to a prevalence rate of approximately 22 in 100 adults.

  • A quarter of 13–18 year old girls

    report experiencing physical abuse in their own intimate partner relationships,

    and one-third report experiencing sexual abuse.

    NSPCC (2011), Partner Exploitation and Violence in Teenage Intimate Relationships.

How many people die as a result of domestic abuse?

  • Between 2020 and 2022, 186 women were murdered by their male partner or ex-partner in England and Wales. In comparison, 30 men were murdered by their female partner or ex-partner.1Home Office. (2022). Homicide Index data: March 2020- March 2022, England and Wales.
  • This means 1.8 women a week – or 8 a month – are killed by a current or ex-partner in England and Wales. 2Home Office. (2022). Homicide Index data: March 2020- March 2022, England and Wales.
  • According to the Femicide Census from 2009 to 2018, 62% of women were killed by their current or ex-partner from 2009 to 2018. The risk of serious assault and death is highest for a woman after she leaves an abusive relationship. Of the women killed by partners or former partners, 43% were known to have separated or to be attempting to separate, which is likely to be an undercount.3Femicide Census. (n.d.). Femicide Census 10-year report 2009-201 [Accessed 6th February 2024]
  • It is estimated that 1 in 8 women take their own lives as a result of domestic abuse: every day almost 30 women attempt suicide as a result of experiencing domestic abuse and every week three women take their own lives.4Walby, S. (2004), The cost of domestic violence. Women and Equality Unit. London: Home Office.
  • In 2020-21, there were over 30 domestic abuse related suicides reported by the police, a likely underestimate as only those with a history of abuse were included.5Home Office. (2022). Domestic Homicides and Suspected Victim Suicides During the COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-2021, England and Wales.
  • In a study of 32 Domestic Homicide Reviews, a quarter were family-related homicide, with most of those cases involving a parent killed by their adult child.6Home Office. (2023). Key findings from analysis of domestic homicide reviews: October 2019 to September 2020, England and Wales.

What forms does domestic abuse take?

  • 82% of high-risk victims experience multiple forms of abuse, including physical and sexual abuse, harassment and stalking and jealous and controlling behaviours.7SafeLives. (2023). Insights Idva Dataset 2021-2022, SafeLives: Bristol
  • In 79% (8 in 10) high-risk cases, the abuse is escalating in either frequency or severity, or both.8SafeLives (2015), Getting it right first time: policy report. Bristol: SafeLives.
  • Approximately 42% of domestic violence victims have been victimised more than once. Victims experience an average of 20 incidents of domestic violence in a year, which can often increase in severity each time. 9Walby, S. (2004), The cost of domestic violence. Women and Equality Unit. London: Home Office.
  • Over 70% of high-risk victims report experiencing physical abuse.10SafeLives. (2023). Insights Idva Dataset 2021-2022, SafeLives: Bristol
  • Over 80% of high-risk victims report experiencing jealous and controlling behaviours.11SafeLives. (2023). Insights Idva Dataset 2021-2022, SafeLives: Bristol
  • 78% of teenage victims of domestic abuse (aged 16-19 years) experienced physical abuse, and 34% sexual abuse. 12SafeLives. (2023). Insights Idva Dataset 2021-2022, SafeLives: Bristol

What are the physical health impacts of domestic abuse?

  • 1 in 5 high-risk victims reported attending A&E as a result of their injuries in the year before getting effective help.13SafeLives. (2023). Insights Idva Dataset 2021-2022, SafeLives: Bristol
  • As well as short term injuries, victims of abuse suffer long-term physical health consequences. Health conditions associated with abuse including asthma, bladder and kidney infections, cardiovascular disease, fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndromes, central nervous system disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, migraines/headaches. 14Black, M.C. et al. (2011), The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 Summary Report. Atlanta, GA. 15Crofford, L.J. (2001), Violence, stress, and somatic syndromes in ‘Trauma Violence Abuse’ 8: 299–313. 16Leserman, J. and Drossman, D.A. (2007), Relationship of abuse history to functional gastrointestinal disorders and symptoms in ‘Trauma Violence Abuse’ 8:331–343.
  • Domestic abuse often leaves victims with reproductive consequences too, including gynaecological disorders, sexually transmitted infections, pre-term difficulties and pregnancy difficulties.17 CTC (2014), Website of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention. Accessed 4 February 2015.
  • At least a fifth (18%) of children in domestic abuse households are injured as a result of the abuse.18Caada (2014), In Plain Sight: Effective help for children exposed to domestic abuse: 2nd national policy report. Bristol: Caada.

What are the mental health impacts of domestic abuse?

  • Over 50% of high-risk victims report having mental health issues 19SafeLives. (2023). Insights Idva Dataset 2021-2022, SafeLives: Bristol
  • 7% of victims report that they have considered or attempted suicide as a result of the abuse, and 17% report self-harming 20SafeLives. (2023). Insights Idva Dataset 2021-2022, SafeLives: Bristol
  • Domestic abuse has significant psychological consequences for victims, including anxiety, depression, suicidal behaviour, low self-esteem, inability to trust others, flashbacks, sleep disturbances and emotional detachment.21 CTC (2014), Website of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention. Accessed 4 February 2015.
  • Domestic abuse victims are at risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – as many as two-thirds of victims of abuse (64%) developed PTSD in one study.22Golding, J. (1999), Intimate partner violence as a risk factor for mental disorders: a meta-analysis in ‘Journal of Family Violence’, 14 (2), 99-132
  • Between 30-60% of psychiatric in-patients had experienced severe domestic abuse.23Howard, L.M., Trevillion, K., Khalifeh, H., Woodall, A., Agnew-Davies, R. and Feder, G. (2010), Domestic violence and severe psychiatric disorders: prevalence and interventions in ‘Psychological Medicine’ (2010), 40 ,881-893. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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