Find a Marac – Wales
Contact details for practitioners to find their local Marac in Wales.
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Contact details for practitioners to find their local Marac in Wales.
Our training for domestic abuse service managers in Wales aims to improve the effectiveness of domestic abuse services in Wales by providing advice and guidance...
Welsh Government-funded Independent domestic violence advisor (Idva) Foundation course enhances practical knowledge of domestic violence in Wales, ensuring the best possible support for domestic abuse...
Guidance to help practitioners and agencies better understand what they need to do to comply with data protection legislation.
There are more than 50 accredited Leading Lights services throughout Great Britain. This resource details each accredited service by geographic region
Over the years we have developed a unique approach that combines survivor voice, evidence, and best practice to make a real difference to families across...
Dr Kat Ford, researcher at Public Health Wales, talks about the importance of considering adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) when responding to domestic violence.
GBT inclusive support: The Dyn Project gives tailored support to men across Wales facing domestic abuse. Discover their impactful work.
At SafeLives, we bring together data, practice expertise and survivor voice in a public health approach to end domestic abuse.
Find out more about the four-year journey to ensure this milestone legislation was a true leap forward for domestic abuse survivors and frontline services.
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