Survivor voices

We are grateful to the brave survivors who have shared their personal experiences and insights with us.

A group of experts by experience came together and named themselves the SafeLives Pioneers, because they want to use their experiences and passion to change the world. Their voices inform everything we do, and together we aim to transform the response to domestic abuse in the UK – for every victim and survivor and their children.

In Scotland, we work with our Authentic Voice Panel, a group of women with lived experience of domestic abuse, dedicated to ensuring that survivor voice is at the heart and start of services, policy, and strategy.

Being part of something where I, as a survivor, can help a fellow survivor feels like a no-brainer to me...I used to say, 'this is my life'. I now say: 'that was my life'.

SafeLives Pioneer

As an organisation of around 100 people, there are many survivors and people with lived experience working with us. A number of staff have stepped forward to join our Pioneer group, and all of us work together to ensure that the voices of people with lived experience are at the heart of everything we do.  We are also pleased to have two Pioneer trustees on our Board.

As well as our group of SafeLives Pioneers, our work is made possible by all the survivors and people with lived experience who bravely speak up and tell us about the change they want to see. There is no ‘them and us’. Domestic abuse is everyone’s business and together we can make it stop.

For more information on our work with survivors:

Contact our Authentic Voice team

Check out our Authentic Voice Scotland site!

And find out more about the SafeLives Authentic Voice Panel, a group of women with lived experience of domestic abuse, dedicated to ensuring that survivor voice is at the heart and start of services, policy, and strategy in Scotland.