Posts tagged "children"

Children are not 'hidden' victims of domestic abuse - we simply need to see them

Sonal is the Head of Consultancy at SafeLives. Here she talks about the One Front Door model and why it is so important that we look at the whole picture for the whole family so we can start making vital links between the needs of individuals and the families they belong to. 

Each year, nearly two million people experience domestic abuse. It’s time we recognise the full scale of this epidemic and the impact it has on the whole family – including children.


Blink and you’ll miss it: innovative ways to help victims disclose abuse and seek help

One quality an effective independent domestic violence advisor (Idva) needs is the ability to think creatively about the support they offer their clients. They need to offer victims a range of opportunities to take that crucial first step towards help, and towards building a safer future that’s both sustainable and full of hope.